Friday, September 18, 2009

Plate Tectonics and The Egg!

Our current science chapter is "Plate Tectonics and the Earth's Structure". We have been learning about the layers of the earth, the idea that the crust is broken up into plates, and the idea that those plates are moving very slowly. So, in order for students to get a grasp on this information we conducted an Egg Lab. Students used a hard-boiled egg to find correlations between the earth and the egg. It is a great lab with a tasty treat at the end (if you like hard-boiled eggs).

Click here for more Egg Lab photos.

Technology Can Sure Be Wierd!

The students of room 23 decided to end their time in the computer lab with a program called "PhotoBooth". This program takes a picture of the user, however one can add crazy filters to make one's picture very interesting. So, the example you see is of me (Mr. Ross). Don't worry there are many more crazy pictures!! Enjoy! Click here for more photos.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The World's First System of Writing

Mesopotamia, acclaimed as one of the first civilizations as well as for creating one of the first systems of writing. It is known as the "land of firsts"! Their writing system is called cuneiform. One of our novelty activities was to become ancient scribes and create messages on clay tablets. It is hands-on, messy, and an engaging activity. Thank you parents for your donations, so that this was possible!

Click here for more cuneiform photos.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bugs, Bugs, Ohh, We Love Bugs!

One of our parents was kind enough to bring in some insect specimens! He shared with us his passion for science, as well as his knowledge about species classification. The students had a wonderful time, and we even had some screams as we passed around the live specimens.

Thanks again to the wonderful parents of room 23. Click here to see more bug photos!!!